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News update from the Head of School, Term 1, Week 4

Dear Parents

It has been another busy and productive week for our children and staff at Kennedy House International School. The children are now fully versed in their routines in and around the classroom and when taking part in their Co-Curricular Activities. As a result of these established routines, the staff are carefully increasing the pace and expectations of the children as their learning stamina increases.

Our school meals are proving to be very popular this term and we are delighted that the children are enjoying such healthy and nutritious meals every day. Godwin, Sylvester and Upendo are doing a tremendous job in our kitchen.

Lost Property

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE clearly label your children’s belongings and please double check all items that go home to ensure nothing goes home that doesn’t belong to your child by mistake – these can be easily returned via the school office.

Christmas Bazaar

This is a craft fair extraordinaire! If you would like to book a stall please do not delay and send an email to

Second Hand Car-Boot Sale

Please start rummaging through any old toys/home furnishings that you might consider donating to our fund raising. Send them into school for our school sale. There is a competitor between the classes to see which class can raise the most money! We are also looking for any parents to help run the stalls. Please contact your child’s teacher if you are able to assist us.

Friday French Lessons

Mr. Hillary Nyabenda is offering additional French lessons on a Friday afternoon every week, from 2pm – 2.45pm. If you are interested in these for your child please contact me.

Late arrivals and collections to school

Arriving late to school and being collected late can be stressful for children. Regular routines and arriving on time and healthy life habits that we like to develop here at Kennedy House International School. We have children who spend an accumulative time of over two hours every week waiting to be collected from the office well after pick up time every day. This time is unproductive and should please be avoided. Please ensure your child is dropped off and collected on time every day!

They say a picture speaks a thousand words…well, each week when posting updates on our social media sites; or when opening up the class newsletters or adding in my images to my own newsletters a few poignant words always come to mind…

Enthusiasm; energy; positivity; challenges; accomplishments; school spirit; team work…the list is endless; and every task is (almost) always achieved with a smile and on any given day! The children at Kennedy House continue to inspire and impress us!


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