The beginning of a new school year
September 2020
We are delighted to have re-opened after such a lengthy time and whilst there are a few subtle changes it is not so different as to lose the sense of joy in learning and teaching and the very special ethos of our school. In our approach, we have worked to find the balance between the safety of our community and what it is to be part of that community. In this, Kennedy House is in a particularly strong position to adapt and learn from this unusual situation that we have found ourselves.
I am confident that Kennedy House has earned a reputation as a school where children are happy and love learning, thanks to a pioneering approach where the social, emotional and academic work hand-in-hand.
Our aim is simple. We want our children to arrive at school with a song in their heart and leave fizzing with what they have learned. We encourage our pupils to work creatively, think big thoughts and feel part of our community.
As always, we have many exciting competitions, performances and events planned for the children this term which we will share with all our parents via our newsletter, website and social media channels. We are all so excited to be back at school and we are doing all we can to ensure that the school to which the pupils return is safe but is also familiar to them, and that those joining for the first time recognise the same friendly and vibrant atmosphere that they encountered when visiting. Quote from a new parent…'From the moment one enters the gates of Kennedy House and steps into the spacious grounds, there is a sense of calm and safety'
Our fabulous outdoor spaces mean that our learning is not limited to the classroom and throughout the day our children replace the ceiling with our bright blue clear sky! The fresh air, warm sunshine and delicate spots of shade allow for a variety of outdoor learning opportunities for which we are always very grateful and make the most of. Outdoor education and caring for the environment is an important part of life at Kennedy House. We have recently extended our Friday afternoons to include a new learning experience through the Cambridge “Global Perspectives” curriculum, which we are all thoroughly enjoying. Our recycling project is up and running again and our pupils are tackling the grave issue of snaring in Tanzania and the impact of this.
Our children are taking to the stage this term, as always; we have our Early Years – Year 2 in our nativity performance. They will bring to life a Christmas story with elves and fairies and all in the spirit of Christmas! Year 2 – year 5 are bringing to life a drama performance of “Evelyn the penguin saves the world” which is based around what we can do to save our planet! As if this isn’t enough, our community of parents are starring in “Aladdin” through a hilarious pantomime, which is not to be missed! Rehearsals are all well under way!
Our afternoon activities continue this term and offer a range of diverse and textured activities and our school is home to lots of hands-on learning and practical experiences with activities ranging from kickboxing to gymnastics, to knitting and woodwork and just about everything in-between!
Our school meals continue to get better and better and are proving to be very popular this term. We only serve nutritious meals cooked by a talented catering team, led by Godwin. Pupils and staff enjoy eating together in our large airy hall and outside in the gardens on picnic benches, where they are served hot food, freshly prepared on the premises using top quality, wholesome ingredients. We are looking forward to some themed lunches later on in the year to tie into our annual book week! “Alice in Wonderland” lunch anyone?
School trips and workshops are a fantastic way of bringing the curriculum to life, enhancing classroom learning, knowledge and skills in a fun and exciting environment. We hope to continue our outings as soon as we can and our children are looking forward to some trips after half term in and around the local community.