Cultivating Creativity: Encouraging Imagination in the Classroom. Why private schools are so important...#kennedyhouseinternationalschool
Book Week is coming up soon and it is a further opportunity for us to highlight the importance of reading and creativity for children....
Who doesn't love an opportunity to get dressed up?
#kennedyhouseinternationalschool #valentinesday #fancydressdayatschool
Empowering the Next Generation: School Initiatives
<iframe width="100%" height="600" src="" title="Weekly Updates from the Office" scrolling="auto"...
Cultivating Creativity: Encouraging Imagination in the Classroom #kennedyhouseinternationalschool #tanzania
<iframe width="100%" height="600" src="" title="Weekly Updates from the Office" scrolling="auto"...
Another Swimming Camp is coming your way!
#kennedyhouseschool #learningtoswim #keepyourkidsentertained #swimminglessons
Discovering and Nurturing Potential is what we do!
#internationaleducation #kennedyhouse #internationalschoolintanzania #weeklyupdates <iframe width="100%" height="600"...
The Power of Education: Changing Lives
It's official...a new school term has begun at and we can't wait to share our school news with you every week!
#kennedyhouseinternationalschool #livinglifetothefull #internationalschoollife #learningisfun