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"On Mondays, we start at 8:10am sharp with assembly.  I love assembly because we get to see which students have won the Merit and Effort awards for the week and we find out how many housepoints our classes have earned. These awards are handed out to the school by our 'Kili' and 'Meru' House captains.
After assembly we usually read for a few minutes to start the day. Once we have finished reading we do Maths or English up until breaktime just before 10 o'clock.  We have a whole 30 minutes for break and I love playing football with my friends on the school field.  
After break it's time to get back to work maybe with some Science or Geography.  We usually do three subjects between break and lunch but sometimes we have so much fun, we work right up to lunch and I don't even notice!
At lunchtime, I like to sit and talk with my friends as we are eating.  My favourite food to have is lasagna and I love having fresh vegetables and avocado every day.  After lunch there is always plenty of sport as well as a great activities programme for Years 3-8. We then we have after-school clubs until 3.45pm.
I love coming to school because we have excellent teachers who teach us something new every day."
Damien Mwinamila,
Year 8 Student
Kennedy House School student Tanzania
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