Key stage two at Primary school children at Kennedy House international Prep School Tanzania Usa river
Key stage two at Primary school children at Kennedy House international Prep School Tanzania Usa river
Key stage two at Primary school children at Kennedy House international Prep School Tanzania Usa river
Key stage two at Primary school children at Kennedy House international Prep School Tanzania Usa river
Key Stage 2 Teachers
Mrs Corinne Balala, Year 3 Teacher
Mr Jack Woolgar, Year 4 Teacher
Mr Lewis O'Shea, Year 5 Teacher
Mr Liam Spencer, Year 6 Teacher
A Widening World...
Key Stage 2 is an enjoyable time for students as they begin to acquire more knowledge and skills such as independent learning, reflection and self assessment.
Our children in these years learn the full range of subjects within the Cambridge Primary Curriculum:
English – Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening
Computing (ICT)
Art & Design
Design Technology
Personal, Social and Health Education,
Languages (French and Kiswahili)
Physical Education (including Swimming)
Global Perspectives
These subjects provide progression and continuity in Years 3-6. Students experience a wide range of teaching styles and activities. They may spend the day as a Roman or an Egyptian, cooking up a delicious meal or experiencing life as a Tanzanian hunter-gatherer.
Our primary scientists benefit from a well-stocked laboratory and we are lucky to have specialist teachers in music, PE and modern languages.